Welcome to CPPN!


Purpose: The Community Pharmacist Pharmacogenetics Network (CPPN) aims to provide community pharmacists with the resources they need to deliver pharmacogenetic testing efficiently and effectively.

What is Pharmacogenetics? Pharmacogenetics (sometimes abbreviated as PGx) is the study of genetic differences in enzymes, drug transporters and other proteins associated with drug metabolism, which can affect individual responses to drugs in terms of therapeutic effect as well as adverse effects. Pharmacogenetic testing is a DNA-based test of genetic variations of genes associated with risk of adverse response or drug response.

Why should I consider providing PGx testing? With the delivery of pharmacogenetic testing in community pharmacies, pharmacists can utilize their unique skills and experiences to interact with both patients and providers to promote informed decision-making, understanding of the benefits and risks of testing, and the significance of test results to the patient’s current and future medication(s).

What does CPPN do? As a member of the network, you will receive emails about new resources, new tests, clinical guidelines, and research opportunities. We invite you to join CPPN (click here or on the Become a Member tab).

As we are still building this site and gathering resources, we welcome requests for specific information or questions you may have about pharmacogenetics and community pharmacies so that we may make membership a more useful and rewarding experience. Please click here or on the tab above that says “Feedback” to let us know what questions you have about pharmacogenetic testing and what resources you would find helpful.